Android and Linux desktop integration
Want to get SMS message and be able to reply to them from your desktop?
How about drag and drop pictures from your phone to desktop with a USB cable?
Install kde-connect (yum install -y kde-connect) on your Linux desk/laptop! And the KDE Connect app from Playstore. With this app it's easy to move files back and forth between your phone and desktop.
Or it should be, after upgrading to Fedora 29 kdeconnect stopped working. It pairs fine, however I can't send files to my desktop anymore, after beating Google and all the settings to death I found the best advice was to use the "andftp" Android app with ssh, it works better than kdeconnect does for file sharing from your phone to your desktop.
Another way to do it is via USB cable and the simple-mtpfs Linux RPM.
Another way is Cloud sharing, get a free Gdrive account.
And of course, since we're talking Android here, you can always pop the SD card out of the phone and mount it your desktop/laptop. I find this is the best way when you're transferring a lot of media files.
NFS on Android? Forget it, unless you root the device. However Kodi on Android can access your NFS server just fine. And KDE Connect can send files back and forth, so that's what you have to live with.
gmail can't establish a reliable connection to the server - You may get this error if your device battery goes completely dead, like you left it in a drawer for several months without charging. Then you find you can't login to Gmail or Playstore. The fix that works for me is simply setting the date/time on the device to be current. It's some kind of "out of range date" bug thing.
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