cd /locnar-ex/Audio/Music
#abcde -o flac -q high -N -x
abcde -o flac -N -x
NEWCD=`ls -hFt | head -1`
export NEWCD
echo $NEWCD; cd $NEWCD ; pwd
NEWCD=`ls -hFt | head -1`
echo $NEWCD; cd $NEWCD ; pwd
#parallel --gnu ffmpeg -i {} -qscale:a 0 {.}.mp3 ::: *.flac
#mkdir `pwd`MP3
#mv *mp3 `pwd`MP3
#basename `pwd`
I started out years ago making two sets of files, FLAC for the desktop and MP3 for mobile devices. But I only do FLAC now as storage space on mobiles is no longer an issue, with 32GB SD cards costing $10, lossy audio formats are dead.
ReplyDeleteWhat the above does is, pop the cd in, type 'rflac' and rips the disc into the /locnar-ex/Audio/Music directory with the correct tags, then ejects the CD.